
VIP Conciergerie & Lifestyle Management

a man opening the door of a car
Night view of a city with a balcony


EVERYTHING so you don’t have to worry about ANYTHING!

Your time is precious.

Your personal assistant at your service, at your disposal, discreet, reachable 24 hours a day.

Need close security, a private jet last minute, a sports coach, a chef at home, a driver, a show ticket, computer assistance, a massage or hairdresser,  cookies at 3 am?  We call upon rigorously selected local partners.  Whether they are simple or extravagant, we answer ALL the requests. You will not find here an inventory of our services; our catalog is written by you!

Contact Us


TOUT pour que vous n’ayez à vous occuper de RIEN !

Votre temps est précieux. Votre assistant personnel est à votre service, à votre écoute, discret, joignable 24h/24.

Besoin d’une sécurité rapprochée, d’un coach sportif, d’un chef à domicile, d’un chauffeur, d’un ticket de spectacle, d’un jet privé de dernière minute, d’une assistance informatique, d’un massage ou un coiffeur mais aussi des cookies a 3h du matin….? Demandez-nous ! Nous faisons appel à des partenaires locaux rigoureusement sélectionnés.  Qu’elles soient simples ou extravagantes, MAD Tours and Events répond à TOUTES vos demandes. Vous ne trouverez pas ici un inventaire de nos services; notre catalogue, c’est vous qui l’écrivez!


Top view of a luxury cruise ship
A beautiful white house with private swimming pool
A man wearing a suit opening the gate of a car
A beautiful girl taking massage at vacation
A table with a bowl of fruit and a bottle of Champaign
Outside view of a luxury hotel with a swimming pool
A man wearing a suit standing in front of helicopter
A decorated room with a Champaign bottle and two glass
Racing cars running on racetrack
A man wearing glasses playing golf
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