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Tourism Is Back – Great Night for the Industry by City Guide

PC: Frank Rocco

NYC’s New Tour
Line-up For Foodies

Whether your clients are culinar y connoisseurs, or just fans of great food, New York City Tourism + Conventions is highlighting a range of tours that have made a debut in the city this year exploring some of the best places to eat.

The first new addition is NYC Bagel Tours, a unique walking tour which explores three of the city’s most ‘elite’ bagel shops while delving into the history of the iconic carb. The two-hour tour is priced from USD59pp. See details HERE.

Those seeking something sweet can check out the new Brooklyn Chocolate Tour from A Slice of Brooklyn Tours. Said to be the city’s only chocolate bus tour, clients will spend four and a half hours sampling chocolates from some of the “nest traditional and artisanal chocolates in Brooklyn, while learning about the history of chocolate and getting a glimpse at how it’s made. Prices start from USD80; see details HERE.

The next new addition is MAD Tours and Events’ Culinary Tour in Washington Heights. It explores the neighbourhood known as one of Manhattan’s Latino hubs, home to some of the city’s best Dominican, Mexican and Cuban food. The four hour experience is priced from USD95pp

New York: food e sport per scoprire la città

[ 0 ] 27 giugno 2024 09:51

New York City sta tornando ai numeri pre pandemia in termini di flussi turistici e dunque punta ad attrarre nuovi visitatori da ogni latitudine, con una diversificazione dell’offerta.
Tra le ultime novità, i tour legati al cibo e all’attività sportiva rappresentano un modo nuovo, diverso e interattivo per esplorare la Grande Mela e conoscere meglio i suoi quartieri. Delle vere e proprie esperienze on street, a diretto contatto con le realtà e le comunità locali.

Con la sua vibrante multiculturalità e la sua ricchezza gastronomica, New York offre una miriade di esperienze culinarie uniche. Per i veri amanti del cibo, i food tour organizzati da Mad Tours+Event rappresentano dunque una valida occasione per scoprire i sapori autentici dei diversi quartieri della città.

I tour gastronomici diventano così un nuovo modo per esplorare non solo le delizie culinarie ma anche scoprire più da vicino i quartieri iconici come Chinatown, Little Italy, Williamsburg, Harlem e Washington Heights. Ogni tour è pensato per offrire un’immersione completa nella cultura locale, combinando la degustazione di piatti tipici con storie e aneddoti sulla storia e le tradizioni dei luoghi visitati.

Chinatown: un viaggio tra le vie affollate e i mercati colorati, dove  assaporare specialità cinesi autentiche come i dim sum, i noodles fatti a mano e i celebri baozi. Con guide esperte che raccontano la storia di questa affascinante comunità, svelando i segreti dei ristoranti più autentici e meno turistici.

Little Italy
: questo tour fa rivivere l’atmosfera calorosa dei ristoranti a conduzione familiare, dove gustare classici della cucina italiana come pizza, pasta e cannoli. Le storie delle famiglie italiane che hanno contribuito a creare questo angolo d’Italia a New York arricchiscono l’esperienza, rendendola ancora più coinvolgente.

: il quartiere è noto per la sua scena gastronomica innovativa e alla moda, ed è la meta perfetta per chi ama scoprire nuovi sapori. Durante il tour è possibile degustare piatti creativi che fondono tradizione e modernità, visitare mercati artigianali e conoscere i talentuosi chef che stanno ridefinendo la cucina di Brooklyn.

: il tour di Harlem regala un’esperienza nel cuore della cultura afroamericana di New York, facendo scoprire il soul food, una cucina ricca e saporita che include piatti come fried chicken, collard greens e cornbread. Oltre al cibo, è possibile immergersi nella storia musicale di Harlem, con visite ai locali storici dove il jazz e il blues sono nati e prosperati.

Washington Heights:
 questo quartiere è uno dei più affascinanti di New York City, ed è  famoso per la forte presenza della comunità dominicana, che sta lasciando un’impronta importante sulla scena gastronomica locale. Il food tour attraversa le strade animate di questo quartiere, per assaporare piatti autentici come i tradizionali pastelitos, simili a empanadas, ripieni di carne o formaggio, e i freschi batidos, deliziosi frullati di frutta tropicale. Tutto questo mentre la guida aiuta a conoscere la storia che rende Washington Heights così speciale.

André De Shields Highlights “NYC Tourism Is Back” Gathering Ahead of Broadway’s Return

The city’s tourism industry came together Monday night for the “NYC Tourism Is Back, Start Spreading Your News” cocktail reception. City Guide and One World Observatory hosted more than 300 guests, following the latest safety protocols. The evening’s special guest was André De Shields, the Tony- and Grammy-winning actor who is just ahead of his return tomorrow to Broadway in Hadestown. De Shields serenaded the crowd while amplifying the room’s excitement about the return of Broadway and the broader return of tourism and NYC life.

David Miller, Davler Media CEO, said “It was gratifying seeing so many colleagues in person after too many months of being apart. New Yorkers know the city works best when we all come together. Our tourism community is strong and our city is resilient. The electric atmosphere last night really confirms it.”

Beneficiaries of the evening were The Actors Fund, the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges Charitable Fund, and the Hotel Association of NYC Foundation.

Feedback from guests consistently referred to the professionalism and hospitality of the One World Observatory staff. The setting was spectacular, with a dramatic sunset over the Hudson. In a fitting moment, guests got to see the lights of the city flicker back to life. The perspective, from the top of the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, provided a perfect context for the beginning of the return of New York City as the number one tourist destination in the nation.

To see your friends on Monday night, check out our video slide show. We’ve also got the photos posted to an album on the NYC Tourism Industry Professionals (NYC TIP)—if you’re not a member yet, now’s a great opportunity to join.

We’d also like to give special thanks to our sponsors, who not only made the event possible, but also provided the opportunity to support three charities.

It was amazing to see all of you in person. We are looking forward to rolling up our sleeves and getting down to work—NYC TOURISM IS BACK!

Official hotel partner of the US Open, IHG Hotels & Resorts, unveils “Tennis in Wonderland” room installation at Kimpton Hotel Eventi.

Inside the City August 2021




Mon, Aug 9 at 12:00am to
Fri, Aug 13 at 11:45pm CEST

New York

We reveal the new Inside The City to mark in your diaries for August.

Every month, as part of the We Love New York club, Inside the City lets you immerse yourself in the daily lives of New Yorkers for five days, with real-life anecdotes about local life. Despite the hustle and bustle of the city, the Insider takes the time to generously share his daily life and the subjects that touch him and fascinate him in New York City. All in a variety of formats: text, video and photos.

Each Inside The City ends in the club with a live, interactive exchange, providing an opportunity to reflect on the week shared. So you can take advantage of this live event to get to know your Insider better, and find out what makes him or her tick in New York. Quite an opportunity to connect with a local before your trip! 🙂

This time, it’s Martine Dominique who’s taking us with her to New York from August 9. A resident of New York for some thirty years, you’ll be able to follow her adventures for a week Live from New York.

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